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jueves, 13 de junio de 2013


Dental Implants - An Alternative To Missing Teeth: Are You A Candidate for Implant Dentistry?

Are you missing a permanent tooth? Do you have gaps in your smile? Do you wear dentures and experience some of the following problems:
  • Slipping and clicking while talking?
  • Irritation and pain when you chew?
  • Fear of eating in public?
  • Feeling or looking older than your age?
You may be a candidate for dental implants, an alternative to missing teeth. Dental implants use your jaw to hold a tooth replacement or bridge, rather than anchoring it to a healthy, neighboring tooth. The results are natural-looking teeth implants that look, feel and function as your own! Healthy teeth are a gift we often take for granted. Losing one or more teeth impacts our smile, our confidence, and our enjoyment of our favorite foods. Dental implants are technology's way of taking us a step closer to a tooth replacement that feels secure and looks like our own.

What Is Involved in Getting Dental Implants?

Implants take several steps, but you will be able to continue your regular professional and social routines. Initially, the dentist will evaluate your mouth, teeth and jaw to determine whether dental implants are a good option for you.
For most patients, there are two surgical procedures involved. First, in the actual tooth implant placement, the implants are surgically inserted by an implant dentist into or atop the jawbone. Over the next three to six months, the implants are left alone, so that the anchor can bond to the bone, creating a strong foundation for the teeth to come.
Second, the new tooth or teeth are created and attached to the anchored dental implant. You now have teeth implants that might as well be your own: they look natural, are comfortable, and withstand the rigors of grinding and chewing. No one will know that your tooth has an artificial, man-made tooth implant root.

Dental Implants Are Not for Everyone

It's true. Your current dental health will influence whether you’re a good candidate for a dental implants. Some medical conditions may interfere with normal healing, such as diabetes or heart problems. Finally, the supporting bone in your jaw must be healthy; if you clench your jaw or grind your teeth, the success rate for your dental implants will drop. Less success also is noted in smokers.
A complete examination and X-rays by your dentist will determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants. You must also commit to a strict schedule of flossing, brushing, rinsing, and check-ups to keep them healthy.

Proven Technology for a New Quality of Life

Technology gets the credit for this exciting alternative to missing teeth, dentures and bridges. Researchers noticed in the 1950s that titanium and some other materials formed a strong bond to the bone. That gave rise to the use of dental implants. Today, there are patients who have had dental implants for more than 25 years. Hundreds of thousands of tooth implants have been inserted, boasting more than a 90% success rate! Metal joint implants used in other parts of the body were actually developed from the success of dental implants.
It has been around for decades and people know it works. Schedule an evaluation with your dentist to determine if dental implants are right for you. Discover how they can improve your quality of life and put a genuine smile on your face.

martes, 21 de mayo de 2013


By Reuters Health

Good Dental Hygiene decreases risk of heart attack
April 19, 2012 -- NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Older adults who get thorough dental cleanings may be somewhat less likely to have a heart attack or stroke than their peers who are less careful about oral hygiene, a new study suggests.

The study, of nearly 22,000 Taiwanese adults age 50 and older, found that those who'd had a professional tooth "scaling" in the past year were less likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke over the next seven years. Tooth scaling, sometimes called a deep cleaning, involves removing the "plaques" that can build up on the teeth and deep in tooth pockets within the gumline. Those plaques harbor bacteria that can lead to gum disease. The new findings, reported in the American Journal of Medicine, do not prove that a good dental cleaning will cut your risk of heart problems. 

But the study is in line with past research that has linked gum disease to an increased risk of heart disease, said lead researcher Dr. Zu-Yin Chen, a cardiology fellow at Taipei Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan. Since gum disease is caused by bacterial infection, researchers suspect that it may contribute to heart attacks or stroke by causing a chronic state of inflammation in blood vessels.
And studies have shown that treating gum disease can cut the levels of inflammatory substances in the blood, Chen told Reuters Health in an email. 

Still, no one knows for sure whether a regular visit to your dentist can prevent a future heart attack.
For the study, Chen's team looked at insurance records for 21,876 adults age 50 and older. Taiwan's national healthcare program pays for tooth scaling, whether a person has severe gum disease or not.
About half of the people in the study had had a tooth scaling in the past year, while the rest had not. Over the next seven years, 1.6 percent of the tooth-scaling group suffered a heart attack and 8.9 percent had a stroke. In the comparison group, 2.2 percent had a heart attack and 10 percent had a stroke. 

The researchers then weighed some other factors, like whether people had chronic health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney disease. It turned out that a deep tooth cleaning was linked to a 31 percent reduction in the risk of a future heart attack, and a 15 percent dip in the odds of a stroke.

People who got deep cleanings more than once every two years during the follow-up period had even lower risks of cardiovascular "events." But the study also had a number of limitations. An important one, Chen said, was that the researchers had no information on people's smoking habits, weight, diet habits or family history -- all prime factors influencing the risks of heart attack and stroke. It's also impossible for the study to determine whether people who get regular dental cleanings might also have a healthier lifestyle in other ways.

For now, the researchers recommended taking care of your oral health for the sake of your oral health -- with the possibility of benefiting your heart health as well. "Bad dental hygiene is detrimental to our health, so it's very important to take care of your teeth," said Chen, who presented some of his team's results last November at the American Heart Association meeting.

By Amy Norton

Source: American Journal of Medicine, online April 5, 2012.
Last Updated: 2012-04-19 10:00:08 -0400 (Reuters Health)

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013


Dental Implants are the best solution for teeth replacement

Many people undergo dental implants treatment to replace teeth which have been removed for various reasons, either the teeth have rotted away or they were broken in an accident. Instead of wearing removal dentures, permanent implants are fitted into the patient. If a candidate has no health issues to prevent him or her from healing, and has a good bone structure, then he or she is a good candidate for implants. These people choose to have implants because they can’t or don’t want to wear dentures or simply want to improve their quality of life. 

Before you start getting dental implants, you should check if your dental plan covers this type of procedure. Once everything is cleared you will learn that a dental implant procedure involves three approximately hour-long procedures. The first two are surgeries, followed by a simple crown or bridge fitting.

First, the dental surgeon has to carefully plan out how the procedure will be done.  It’s not just a matter of putting in the implants – he or she has to make sure that aside from fitting properly, they will not harm any existing nerves. They can take several pictures, dental x-rays and even CT Scans. There are also special 3D imaging programs that can be used to give the surgeon an overview of the patient’s skull, jaw line and sinus, to help them visualize better where the implants should be placed.
The first surgery involves implanting the metal rods into your jaw; if this is in the front of your jaw the dentist will usually give you a temporary bridge. There will be some discomfort after the surgery, this severity depends on the person but isn't too extreme. There are several things to avoid after this surgery; these include smoking, sucking on straws, and spitting. You also may be advised not to brush the area for a week or two but you will likely be given an anti-bacterial rinse to keep it clean. You will also be given pain medication and anti-biotic.

You will go to the doctor seven to ten days later to have the stitches taken out. Then four to six months later come the second surgery. After the implants have attached to the bone, the dentist will make a small cut in the gum and remove the protective screw in the implant and replace it with a metal healing cap. There is a chance that your implants will not integrate into your jaw, if this occurs your dentist can either remove your implants and replace them with wider ones or he can remove them and wait for your jaws to heal and try it again. Two or three weeks after this surgery you will go back to the dentist's office and begin having your bridge, denture, or crown made. 

Keep in mind, there are risks involved with getting a dental implant. Infection is always a risk, if you don’t take care of the open wounds. There could be permanent damage to your bone and to your nerves, if your surgeon makes a mistake. However, the results, when the dental surgery is done correctly and once the healing is done, can be fantastic. Your new teeth will look and feel natural, and many patients have reported improved speech and breathing. But, you’ll still have to take care of it like your own teeth – see the dentist regularly, ensure proper hygiene and stop bad habits which can ruin your new implants.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012


A good oral education starts when we're kids.
One issue to consider so important is the fact that many young people today do not have adequate oral hygiene and therefore an unhealthy mouth, then I came to the following conclusion. "It all started when they were just kids." In this short article I will talk about the importance of oral education in our sons, especially when they are children.

Since their early years, the little kids are like sponges that absorb and copy everything they see from us it is important to be a good example for them in what relates to dental hygiene. Educate them well in this regard will be an invaluable investment in health for them for life. As children, we must try to make them see daily hygiene tasks like fun, so they will not feel it's an imposition boring. One way is to brush with them or allow them to choose their own toothbrush when you purchase (considering minimum criteria).


  1. Brush at least 3 times a day or after every meal with fluoride toothpaste.
  2. Use floss to remove food debris between teeth (this is recommended for children from 4 years).
  3. Use mouthwash to attack areas where brushing and flossing has no reach
  4. Maintain a balanced diet avoiding excessive consumption of sugars and starches. If they have to eat these foods; do it during mealtime, not between meals.
  5. Going to the dentist regularly for a routine, and that prevention is the key to win the battle against tooth decay and oral health.

It is important that as responsible parents, we monitor and strengthen brushing techniques on our little kids, so they feel supported and cared for, in addition to perfect their technique and habits when they are to make for themselves.

·         Use the right amount of toothpaste, for them will be a small portion (equivalent to the size of a pea or green pea).
  1. Verify that the little kids do not swallow the toothpaste.
  2. Brush teeth in both the back and front.
  3. Brush the outer edges of the teeth.
  4. Brush the chewing surface of the teeth.
  5. With the tip of the brush, brush the back of the front teeth.
A balanced diet is necessary for our children to develop strong teeth and resistant to decay. In addition to the full range of vitamins and minerals, a child's diet should include plenty of calcium, phosphorus, and proper levels of fluoride.

Just as fluoride is the best protection for children against decay, snacking frequently is the worst enemy. The sugars and starches found in many foods such as cookies, candy, nuts, soft drinks, pretzels and potato chips combine with plaque on teeth to create acids. These acids attack the tooth enamel and can lead to cavities. Each "plaque attack" can last up to 20 minutes after the end of the meal. Even a small bite can cause plaque acids. So, it is best to avoid eating between meals.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012


La demanda de implantes dentales aumenta en España
Aunque se han realizado importantes avances en el campo de la ortodoncia, es en el de los implantes donde se han realizado los mayores progresos y aportaciones en los últimos 20 años. Tanto en materiales, como en procedimientos quirúrgicos la evolución ha sido continua. En los años 80, los implantes utilizados eran de titanio liso maquinado más tarde aparecieron los implantes de superficies rugosas, como el plasma de titanio o el recubrimiento de los mismos con HIDROXIAPATITA. En un principio la colocación de implantes incluía cirugía en un centro hospitalario y se reservaba por lo general, a pacientes sin dentadura. En la actualidad, la implantología se ha desplazado a la consulta del dentista. Los españoles no son ajenos a esta evolución, por lo que, poco a poco, han perdido el miedo a someterse a la colocación de implantes y su uso se ha extendido.

Según el ESTUDIO SOBRE SALUD BUCODENTAL, un 60% de las personas que lo necesitan, se someten a este procedimiento. Los pacientes son más conscientes de que un implante es la mejor opción siempre y cuando no haya ninguna contraindicación como patologías cardiacas o enfermedades de base severas. En este sentido la educación juega un papel fundamental.

Los protocolos para la colocación de implantes disminuyen considerablemente la posibilidad de padecer infecciones, daños o roturas de piezas. Según algunos dentistas, el titanio es el material más empleado en la actualidad, no genera rechazo por parte del organismo y tiene gran durabilidad. Aunque se están estudiando otras opciones (véase implantes de zirconio), las investigaciones aún no están en fase final, de modo que aún tardaremos en adoptar estos cambios.


Tradicionalmente, España siempre ha estado a la cabeza en cuanto a formación de profesionales médicos estomatólogos y odontólogos. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de educación en salud bucodental de la población, queda mucho camino por recorrer. Hoy día, la población tiene una mejor predisposición a la hora de acudir al dentista, pero sigue existiendo gran desconocimiento en cuanto a técnicas y procedimientos, especialmente en algunas áreas rurales.

Las necesidades difieren muy notablemente en función del área territorial que analicemos. En las capitales y zonas urbanas, las personas están mucho más concienciadas de la importancia de mantener una buena salud bucodental. A los pacientes les resulta mucho más sencillo entender la necesidad de determinados tratamientos. Sin embargo, en zonas rurales la población es más reticente, por razones culturales y económicas, de modo que se registra un mayor número de problemas bucodentales y de más gravedad que en las zonas urbanas. Una mayor inversión en educación bucodental ha dado como resultado que un 38% de los españoles afirme acudir al dentista dos o más veces al año, especialmente cuando se trata de niños con edades comprendidas entre 6 y 15 años.


En un estudio realizado se concluye que casi la mitad de los españoles padecen al menos un problema dental al año. Esta cifra se incrementa hasta un 64% cuando se trata de niños de entre 6 y 15 años. El motivo más común por el que acudimos al dentista son las revisiones, concretamente un 46% de los encuestados afirma hacerlo por esta razón. La Comunidad de Madrid se sitúa a la cabeza de las comunidades autónomas en cuanto a número de pacientes que acude al dentista para revisión.

El 80% de la población concede mucha importancia a la salud bucodental en comparación con el resto de aspectos de la salud, especialmente cuando se trata de la salud de los niños, donde esta cifra se incrementa hasta un 89%. Geográficamente, en Cataluña es donde se le otorga más importancia (64%) frente a otras Comunidades Autónomas.


Mantener una buena actitud respecto a la importancia de realizar visitas regulares al dentista es fundamental, pero carece de sentido si no seguimos las pautas y tratamientos recomendados por el profesional. Por comunidades autónomas, los madrileños son los que siguen de forma más habitual las recomendaciones de los profesionales en salud bucodental frente a otras comunidades.

Entre los motivos más comunes por lo que los españoles nos negamos a seguir las indicaciones del dentista se encuentran el precio (41%) seguido de la opinión de que dicho tratamiento es innecesario (28%). Estos datos son especialmente relevantes si analizamos el grado de satisfacción de los españoles después de someterse a algún tratamiento bucodental. La gran mayoría de los entrevistados que han seguido las recomendaciones del dentista y se han sometido a un tratamiento afirman haber mejorado bastante o mucho su calidad de vida (82,2%).

Fuente: Sanitas España
Nota: Extracto de artículo original
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